Ina's Snippets

By ina

It's NOT Monday! :)

"You can have it all...
you just can't have it all at one time."

~Oprah winfrey~


Had to remind myself a few times today that its NOT Monday! :-)
Kept thinking it was Monday, because I did "Monday-stuff" !

Moved one of the birdfeeders and the birdbath to another, more secure spot, and of course easier for me to take photo's! The birds seem to like it! Today I've put a lot of fruit out, which I don't normally do, and I was quite suprised by my visitors. Do you know the name of this bird?

Looks like I bought a faulty lens :-( We did a few tests with a friend in California who has the same camera and lens and it seems like this lens is losing focus somewhere along the line. Up to 15feet it is doing fine (almost) but after that everything starts to blurr... and I thought it was ME :)

Please send good thoughts to the Supplier so he doesn't give me a hard time. I just want my money's worth and for him to exchange it.

Thank you in advance :))


Over the next 10 days; 10 Lessons from trees:

Lesson 1: It's important to have roots.

Enjoy your evening!

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