Ina's Snippets

By ina

S p L a S h !!

"Truth is always relative to the eyes you are looking from.
By learning to see through the eyes of others,
you will gain compassion and wisdom.

By learning to see through the eyes of your wisdom,
you will find your Soul.

All healing paths take us from Seeking to Seeing
and from Seeing to Being."

~Dr Colleen-Joy Page.~


Did the week's shopping today and bought lots and lots of fruit for the birdies! :))

Did not go to my Wednesday class (again!) today, but will definately not miss next Wednesday. (Missed two classes now)

Blipped this goose while he was taking a bath - made quite a splash!


10 Lessons from trees:

Lesson 2: In today's complex world, it pays to branch out.

Lesson 1

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