Guinea Pig Zero

By gpzero

In The Alley

Today I continued working on the back yard that I blipped two days ago and as the work continues, the Sun pours into the little garden more than it has for many years; more with the fall of each green branch. The only outdoor access to it is through this alley, which is as wide as my shoulders plus the length of my hand. I like this shot, which I took just after I finished cleaning the alley floor (a favor it needed badly). Hopefully the bookstore's wall at right will get the brick pointing it needs during the present century. Behind the wall at left was originally a stable, then a private garage, which it still is. The front door rarely opens, but once I saw a very old Rolls Royce inside, wearing grey primer.

I took very few pictures today, so when the Sun went down, it was either this or the store window's cute new kitten for my blip. I'll catch the little moggy next time.

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