Guinea Pig Zero

By gpzero

As a teenager I sometimes made mobiles and wind chimes out of things like feathers, keys, and shells. For some time I've collected hangable things for an intended mobile. Tonight, after leaving the pile of objects untouched for at least a year, I made this. I don't know what it might be, nor why I like it, but for whatever it's worth, nothing that is hanging from the nail on the top of the door frame is fastened to anything else: gravity and tension are the only connectors. Also, I did not drill any holes or otherwise alter any of the objects.

This reminds me of what a cousin of mine once showed me. It was a cross made from reeds, woven together but unfastened, as was used by Irish Catholics in centuries when it was illegal to hold a mass. If anyone approached uninvited, a gentle squeeze would turn the cross into some scattered reeds on the floor.

There are: a meat hook, cheese grater, tea submerger holding glass marbles, skewers, antique clothes pin, skeleton keys, paper scizzors, potato pealer, creamer holding more marbles, small kitchen shear, shells of oyster, mussel, & limpet, ladle, eyeglasses, earring, antique padlock, compass, gas lighter, salad spoon, shoe horn, measuring spoon, small cleaver, honey dipper, glass jug, gutter nail, spoon & fork, dry gourd, and an ornamental horn.

I am glad I gathered these things together, and that's my blip for today.

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