Sunflower Samurai

By sonnenblume

buff explorer

Today I took an important step - I'm going to start cycling to work. I didnt actually do it TODAY, but I will.....soon.....

Its something I've been considering for a good while now. Aside from the obvious enviromental and health benefits, the rising cost of fuel and constant road works in Edinburgh mean I should hopefully have a much quicker (and cheaper) journey to work.

I got my bike from the shed and fixed it up a wee bit with my dad, giving it a good wee run back to the flat just to make sure it wasnt going to fall to bits on me. The problem I encountered was that I was knackered after that short 10 minute bike ride. Whats going to happen when I actually have to do some work after that, rather than crash on the couch and play guitar as I did tonight?

Time will only tell. Wish me luck next week.....

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