Sunflower Samurai

By sonnenblume

childhood revisted

Colin and I are both feeling a bit fed up just now. Work, the rising cost of living and just everything in general has both been getting to us. Seeing as it was such a great evening though, I managed to convince him for a treck around our old stomping ground, Costorphine Hill.

For those of you don't know, one of the biggest "attractions" up there is the Barton Bunker, a decommisioned ROTOR - radar defense network. Originally used in WW2, it was modified and become a nuclear bunker for the regional seat of government during the cold war. It was eventually sold off to a Glasgow property developer in the 80's before being pretty much gutted by a fire in 1992.

That hasnt stopped generations of well (and sometimes ill) equipped teenagers from breaking in and investing its insides. Colin and I didnt fancy taking any chances though, so we just stuck to checking out the main surface complex.

The building comprises of 3 enormous underground levels, and was designed to by pretty much self sustainable in the event of a Nuclear attack. The scale of it really is quite impressive. If you check here on Google maps you can see the main surface complex. The area to the north is Barton Quarry. Between these 2 areas lies a series of 40+ foot shafts which will take you right into into it.

For anyone who is interested, you can take a look at some pictures of it as it currently is here.

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