
By BikerJim

~The Jumping Cholla~

~Cylindropuntia fulgida~

Also knows as the Hanging Cholla or the Fruit Chain Cholla.
Cholla is pronounced - choy-yah.

It is said to "jump" on you if you get close to it. It really does not jump but it is very easily attached to you if you lightly brush against it. It is best stayed away from. I have lived in this area for years and each time I get near it I get stuck. The thorns swell in your wet skin and they become very difficult to remove as the ends are hooked.
I always carry needle nose pliers with me when hiking near these cactus. One of the segmented joints became attached to the tip of my shoe once. I flicked it off by kicking my foot, before I knew it, it was attached to the side of my face, ouch! Hence the nickname 'Jumping Cholla'. They can grow to the height 15 feet. As dangerous as these cactus can be, they are a favorite and safe nesting place for the Arizona Cactus Wren. They can grow in cholla forests, though this one looks like it is surrounded by its dead relatives off in the distance.The 'trunk' is brown, the 'fruit is green, and the spines are golden straw color.
A very beautiful desert plant, but, "Stay Away" from it!

Thanks for looking.

2.5 h

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