It's a dogs life!

By LilytheLab

Just chillin...

Sometimes I just love to chill on the furry beanbags. The trouble is mum follows me around with the damn camera all the time and I don't get a minutes peace! I gave her a look but she still didn't get the hint!

Had a bit of an exciting walk this morning in the woods. We bumped into the queen and her corgi again. However, I am beginning to think it isn't the queen. She never wears gorgeous hats and Prince Phillip is never with her either! But I had a good play with Sally the Corgi, she is great fun and I am quite rough with her because she loves it!

Then we carried on (I came away from Sally to mum the FIRST time she called me!!) and then guess what?? Along came the BIGGEST EVER dog I have ever seen. Mum put me straight on the lead. The dog was so big that someone was riding on its back! Can you believe it?? I stood very quietly beside mum as it went past as I didn't fancy trying to jump up and give him a kiss. I was AMAZED. But do you know what?? mum told me that I am very silly because it wasn't a dog it was a HORSE! DUH

I should of known that because I LOVE horse poo. Perhaps I should have followed it for a little treat ;-)

I have been doing my homework again today. It is taking a while to learn the target practice because I just can't resist running off with the target and then it takes mum 5 mins to chase me down, hee hee

I think I MIGHT be starting to understand choices. Its REALLY hard. Mum shuts her hand with treats inside it and when I do something, the hand opens and I get some treats, then when she shuts the hand I have to do something else and it opens again. Most of the time I just try and eat the hand with the treats inside but then I started to figure it out. I sit, do a high five and lie down now. All without mum saying a word. Just the hand opening and closing. I wonder what else I can choose to do. Apparently other doggies do rolling over, bowing, walking backwards, yawning...the list is endless but I don't know how to do any of those things yet. The teacher said mum won't have to show me, that I should just figure it out?? It makes me use my brain!

I am VERY excited about tomorrow. I have a date with Rolo the one eyed pug. He is my partner in crime on walks. Then he is coming back to my house and we are going to try and have a photo shoot! That should be fun :-)

Bye for now
Lily xxx

Ps thank you soooooo much again for all your lovely comments, stars and favourites that made me a spotlight star AGAIN yesterday. I really really can't beleive that I am so popular, I feel very lucky :-)

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