
By PrimeMart

Shattered Scowers

The Mart household were all up very early this morning. No, not bounding out of bed with that 'TGIF' feeling. Instead we were stumbling around bleary eyed and grumpy.

The reason - Fudge

Dozy's facebook status update at 6:00 a.m gives further insight -

Next door's cat has just barged me off my pillow and is now asleep on it

FUDGE is next doors cat. He is Freak's (our cat) best buddy, and BFG's (Big Fearless Gundog, my lab) deadly nemesis.

Next door are away, and Fudge, who is the most sociable moggie, gets lonely. Especially at night it seems!

As Tracey drowsily checked the weather this morning on the BBC website, she described today's forecast as 'shattered scowers.'

They will always be shattered scowers now!

This name also seemed to sum up Jacca's expression as he looked out of the window this morning.

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