Who knew?

By InOtherNews

Manifesto Day 5: Economy

I'm sad to report that once again the most vibrant and enthusiastic man in British politics (me) has been struck down by a violent stomach bug. I've got my people picking through everything I've eaten as we suspect poisoning to try and silence my surge of popularity recently. It happens to all the famous politicans doesn't it? Kennedy. Ummm Castro? Mind you not sure he really fits into my projected image.

Okay so the economy. Lets face facts here: the economy is a disaster. The Tory government have effectively been left with a massive debt run up by free spending Labour. The 'cuts' are as popular as a pork sandwich at a mosque, but they'd have you believe that its all labours fault.

Purely and simply both parties are as bad as each other. Yes Labour basically bummed this country whilst in power, gently slitting our economical throat whilst trying to deliver a wide range of good intentions. The Tory boys have waltzed in and set about their own radical measures of cost cutting using the 'blame labour' banner. Only the costs they're cutting are the low value bottom end costs: local services. In my mind they are cutting the expenditure that they barely notice. It's almost as if they are saying 'right we have to make the cuts so I'm damn sure your going to feel them', and 'heres petrol at £1.40 a litre as well, just so you know we mean fucking business'.
Herein lies my whole anger with the economy. The cuts have been made as £1m here and £2m there and the 'business' end of the money chain. Vital services in areas are being denied the funding they once enjoyed. Who benefits? Well the obvious punch bag are the bankers aren't they? One bankers bonus could perhaps save the Sure Start network of help centres. Okay my maths may not be spot on, but you get my drift.
So whats the answer? Well as my blip and the government think it is tax. Whenever we enter a time of financial hardship we must begin to tax people harder.

Here is my personal experience. Last year I bought a car for £2000 - money I had been taxed on when I earned it. I then had to tax it at £120 out of the money they'd already taxed. Then I put petrol in it: which incorporates a large percentage of tax. I want to but a new stereo for it? No problem guvnor - don't forget your 20% VAT. You see in actual fact the government probably ends up with 50% of my earnings, and I barely earn enough to buy booze at the weekend (heavily taxed booze at that).

Somehow the economy is being used as an excuse for the rich to get richer and the poor to know their place. However as soon as we tighten our belts and stop spending what happens? The news gives us a feature about how not spending is killing the economy. 1.4% drop in high street sales last month. Shit, so it's our fault? I don't have two tenners to rub together, but should I find I do I'd better wander into Primark and buy some jeans just to keep everything ticking over? Forget premiership footballers with their £100,000 watches, forget politicians with their £14,000 pieces of oak furniture and forget bankers with there 18 ounces of cocaine and £50,000 suits. It's me at fault.

So when I come to power I propose this: somehow, some way I want to redress this balance. Those who graft for a living must feel that they do so for a reason.
I have touched on some taxation I'd introduce in my previous blips (Monday especially) but I feel this country needs a full overhaul of both its principles, and who it is here to serve. We are not here to make sure big business gets a free ride, and we are not here to tax the hell out of the hard working. We are a fair and honest country, accepted across the world as somewhere that can offer hope of a new life to people, the chance to become whatever you want to be.

We are British. We should be proud.

Thank you all for taking part this week. Tomorrow I shall do a conclusion and excitingly count up the comments I've received (positive / negative) to see what sort of majority I may or may not have. I'll also put a link to my favourite shots from the series.

Plus if you have enjoyed this challenge I was thinking of perhaps doing it again in a week or two with five different themes. I watched a BBC One program last night called 'Breaking Into Britain' which has really touched me, and I want to give my middle-left views on immigration. In fact if I'm honest it broke my heart to see Afghan children of 14 stuck in detention camps in Turkey, Spain and France, living a life in absolute limbo.

If you'd be interested in taking up the challenge again in a few weeks let me know :)
Cheers all.

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