
By itcouldbelove

13 things

This 13 things was done for a Flickr group, but I should I would share it here, too.

13 Things About Me

1.] Today I got concert tickets for my favorite singer (Melissa Etheridge.) The concert building holds 10,000 people and I'm going to be in the front 200. Let me just say I am pretty excited. This will be my second M.E. concert.

2.] Most of the time I wear glasses, but I don't really like how I look in them, because they hide my face and eyes. I have contacts, but they are the wrong prescription and I hate wearing them. Today I got new ones and they are up-to-date. I can't wait to try them, except I left my contact case in my apartment at school. I'm on spring break right now, so I am home. It will have to wait.

3.] On Saturday, my friend is having me come visit her because she wants to hook me up with her boyfriend's friend. I've never met him. I'm shy around guys. This should be interesting.

4.] More than anything in the whole wide world, I want to be a mother.

5.] I drink Diet Pepsi like it's my job. Too bad I don't get paid.

6.] My actual job is working at Bath & Body Works. It's the best job I've ever had, but I suck at being a salesperson. I'm just not pushy enough.

7.] The longest (as far as I know) that I have ever sat on the computer is 17 hours straight. That was back in the day when we had dial-up and it tells you how long you've been connected.

8.] I never had many friends growing up. I always just had like one or two best friends. Then I went to college and made a big group of friends and this is our senior year and we're all scattering. It's depressing.

9.] I've never been diagnosed with anything, but I think I should probably be taking anti-anxiety medications. But I'm too scared to go to a psychiatrist.

10.] I love cats. More than dogs. I still like dogs. But Cats Rule. Haha.

11.] I am shy with my camera. I rarely take it in public, especially if I am alone. I wish I had more models, because portraits are my favorite -- which is why there are many pictures of me on my stream and very little objects/sceneries/etc.

12.] I just watched the movie, The Mist, based off of a Stephen King novel. It was okay. I gave it 3/5 stars on my Facebook movie application. Haha.

13.] I'm 21-years-old and I've never truly been in love. I believe I never will be.

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