Nastia's Slow Little Days

By Anastasia

Blueberry Blue

This is almost a SOOC image; I just upped saturation one more notch on Raw Image Processor. It's part of why SOOC's are a strange concept, when raw formats are essentially digital negatives. Then again, I completely understand the joy of having a photo come out just lovely straight from the camera. On top of that, I've started using camera presets (user-defined standards) to set up my preferred contrast and saturation settings on my Canon Rebel, before I process them, which saves me tons of postprocessing time, since those are the main settings I adjust on the computer (next to exposure, an area in which I'm also improving in having good SOOC-exposure), and I adjust them far more towards higher contrast and higher saturation than I do to the opposite. If I need to tamp down on an out-of-control image, I can do that, but I'll need to do that far less than I needed to do in upping the notches on almost every single image, every single time. Heh.

These blueberries were delicious and a tantalizing Blip-portunity! Great late-night snack (and feast for the eye)!

I'm not sure what else happened on Monday aside from something mildly creative and something involving lots of tab-mania while job-hunting. I need to keep better records.

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