Furnace Lass

By furnacelass

Glen Croe

Busy day today. Family phone calls for father's day and one of our daughters visited in the morning , stayed for lunch. Then we all headed off to Clydebank for some important shopping, wedding present, garden materials and walking boots . as well as the usual grocery shopping.

After a lovely father's Day dinner it was the usual trek home via Loch Lomond , Loch Loch and up the Rest and Be Thankful.I watched the light on the valley of GlenCroe as we climbed the road to the top of the Rest. So glad it was still quite good when we turned into the viewpoint there looking down over Glen Croe. Not as striking as Glencoe but still worth a shot.

Also got a couple of shots as we approached Inveraray but the light was n't as interesting there. So hope you like this shot on the way home.
Hope you all had a great weekend.

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