today I ...

By BarbiesWorld


{The golden bear is the symbol of one biggest/ most famous sweets producer in Germany...}

Day #5 in the 'manifesto for a better Britain' challenge. The economy.
National economies are just the desperate expression of catching the unsealed ghosts of global business.
You know what? The economy is suffering, ...
Nothing more to say.

(Yep, I know, I'd never fulfill the requirements for the finance minister. Otherwise, I'd accept the environment ministry job and would also apply as minister for music.)

For the record:
Southside Festival, work at our forests project's info booth... The festival takes places at Muddington in Absurdistan.
Half an hour after arriving the cold rain began and covered the whole area within nothing with ankle deep mud. As expected. Hordes of ****drunken kids. The sexeducator booth of proFamilia with their gratis condoms attract them. Symbiosis?
Working/ eating/ sleeping/ living in the eye of the storm aka between the masses, energy generators and trucks - which isn't a quite one.

On todays plus side:
cheerful Flogging Molly! Brilliant Arctic Monkeys!!
On the other side:
boring Foo Fighters, boring Clueso! (sorry R.)

Oh, and another one:
Anti-Flag weren't unfortunately not there but I'll leave you with another subject related song...

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