Curiouser & curiouser...

By turningbull


This is my colourful morning matcha.

It's green tea ground into a fine powder that you whisk up with warm water and drink in it's entirety entiretea. I think the soft jade colour of it's froth is beautiful, and it's effects are essential. (It is said to contain the same amount of caffeine as a cup of coffee but when combined with the polyphenols in tea it is absorbed much more steadily to give a less drastic caffeine high.) Plus, you can mix it with warm milk to make a matcha latte, which is fun to say!

I can't decide if I want it to stop raining; on one hand it's miserable and makes me want to hibernate, but on the other hand if it was glorious sunshine I'd be pissed off that I was trapped inside all day. My life's tough.

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