Through The Autism Lens


Party People

This is my list of people I want to come to my 7th Birthday Party in 3wks time!

Mom has agreed for me to invite a few of my friends from school, which has never been done before. Not because she wouldn't let me, but because I never really made any friends at my old school. I have only been at the school I am now since September, and I have lots of friends, but these ones I like the best!

My party is going to be Pirate Themed but I'm not dressing up! Mom says she might do though! I have also asked Mom to add three of my teachers to my list of 'party people' to which she was very surprised. I have done invites for Mrs J my TA, Mrs R my class teacher and Mrs W my headmistress! Mom has said that they may not come, as they have children of their own and may be very busy, but she says it would be really nice if they did because then they will get to see me in my home surroundings and see just how much different I can be when I'm not at school. Mom gets on very well with my teachers and I really do hope they can make it. I am giving the invites out tomorrow, so I will let you know what they say when they reply!

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