A Hazy Shade of Ginger

By Chrislorimer

What a strange world...

Oh the wonders of macro photography mixed with some creative filters on photoshop...

This 'photo' (term used loosely)makes me think, how everything can look nice. It just takes looking at it in a different way sometimes...

And that made me think of the amazing man that is Nick Vujicic, he is an absolute inspiration. I had heard of him before but only properly listened to a few of his talks yesterday. It's amazing how he can be so upbeat being how he is, i don't know that i could cope... but either way, he's an amazing man, and doesn't let anything get in his way, which is something that i'd like to take into my own lifestyle, how i can do anything i want if i just commit to it, and i plan on doing that with my photography, i WILL make it my career, however long it takes...

I also found out i might have a 3 song set at the gateway center in Turriff on Friday, shouldn't be bad, and then a party on Saturday as long as I don't have work on Sunday. Hopefully this'll be a very good weekend.

Oh deary me, what a strange world, and i'm one of the people that makes it strange i suppose.


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