This, That And the Other

By Kersting

Winner Winner Chicken Dinner...

6:52 p.m.

Today is my mom's birthday so Happy Birthday mom. For the record she isn't 21 but we did have chicken for dinner.

There is nothing like BBQ chicken with Secret sauce on it. I would tell you what was in the sauce but the keyword was SECRET. As a matter of fact I can't even tell you how to make it... My mom could tell you and so could any other family member that knows how to make it.

Anyways... We had thunder storms roll in at about 5a.m. and it has stormed off and on all day. The worst of the storms rolled in around dinner time when MeMaw and Poppa went out to BBQ the chicken.

We are another day closer to Tim leaving for Escanaba and every day it becomes more real that we are going to be apart of a year. I will keep my head held high and make sure that I talk to him everyday we are apart.

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