Towards the path I'm walking on

Had an Occupational Safety Card course today, which I passed with points 35/36. Never been to a course that had been exceedingly boring and woody at the same time. Well, the instructor talked a lot and he had lots of examples, but I've never really been listening to something as dull and mind-paralyzing speech as I did today - not even on maths lessons.

Many of the things discussed there were total self-evidences and I think eight hours of that twaddle was enough for me, though we had our hourly pauses and a lunch break, too. After all, I'm now licensed with occupational safety and tomorrow I'll have my other course, where I'll hopefully get my Hot Work Card, which allows me to work as an official Fire Guard with insurances and stuff. Great!

Maybe I'll blip the place I'm working at some day, so you'd get a good picture of what it's all about, how bloody large area we must have control of and why everything there can burst into fatal flames while the repair men are doing welding and their other welfare measures during the summer stoppage. The risks are real and quite big, but without that the job wouldn't be so exciting yet important and they wouldn't pay us that well they're paying now.

One little spark can do immeasurable damage at a saw if not controlled.

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