2 year anniversary

What would I post but some birds (Common terns Sterna hirunda) and a Leith landmark....fairly typical fare for me ;)

There have been some changes on this site over the last two years, great vision and hard work from Joe, G and the blipcentral-posse, but the essential heart of the place has remained true. Whether some blipper's image is astounding, beautiful, everyday or even dull; whether the posts are huge ranting screeds (that would be a great band-name, btw "DaveH and the Ranting Screeds"), pithy one-liners encapsulating a mood or even not there at all...on this site we are A' Jock Tamson's bairns.
So thanks to all blippers for making this place what it is. Special thanks to my "regulars" :) And lots of love and thanks to Meles xx
As is traditional, a few of my faves since the last balloon-day:
Ice on Loch Tay
Flying Squirrel

I think I'll keep going with this blipping thing. It's quite good, innit?

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