Inarticulate Boy Wonder

By 0neTenthHero

Seemed Like A Good Idea At The Time

This year our little town celebrates it's 800th birthday. Tomorrow the high street is being closed to traffic while most of the shops and cafés are staying open late. There will be live music, dancing, street theatre and probably Buckfast-swilling teenagers among other things.

One of the shops involved is our Cancer Research charity shop which my wife volunteers at. A few weeks ago, when I was probably engrossed in something else, I apparently agreed to ice the number '800' onto as many cupcakes as my wife could bake in a day (turned out to be 90).

So, after 12 hours of work today, I came home to find the kitchen overrun with cupcakes just waiting to be decorated by me. I'm not complaining though. Being able to eat the (many) botched attempts was worth the onset of Carpel Tunnel Syndrome.

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