Swimming Against The Tide

By ViolaMaths

White Field

A busy busy busy day!

Back from dropping the Wonderspouse at the bus stop to an hour of maths. Then to my appointment with the job lady, via the pet store to get supplies for the boys. I also saw the lady who dealt with me rehoming them and let her know how well they'd settled in. She said I could bring a picture of them in sometime and they'd put it up in their rehoming area!

After the appointment it was a very quick whizz round Sainsbury's to get essential bits of shopping and so on, then home, stick some toast into my mouth, do the daily cage clean for the boys, and then on with the maths again!

Break from maths to take Dexter to the vet for his meds review and annual booster jabs - he was terribly good, and everyone there fell in love with him - the receptionist took one look at him and exclaimed "Oh goodness, you're BEAUTIFUL"! Breaks hearts wherever he goes with his silver tabby spottedness and his big beautiful eyes!

Then back home to start the copying up of the maths (fortunately I'd finished all the brainwork by then and it was just a matter of putting my scribbles into a format that was tutor-readable and not covered in doodles, bits of jobs lists, half-formed ideas, shopping lists, and written on the back of old bits of printing that had gone wrong).

I worked in my usual fashion, leaning on a giant chopping board I keep down the side of my sofa for just such a purpose, writing furiously, listening to Eastenders, some rubbish docu-drama about Homo Erectus, and Traffic Cops, then the News. I finally ran out of steam just before 11.

So then bath and bed.

The picture is the only one I took - a field that caught my eye on the way home from my appointment/Sainsbury's. Haven't seen fields that white round here since they were covered in snow - and since I was in t-shirt and sandals, I don't think this whiteness was snow!!!

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