A Suffolk Eye

By CroPage

View from the Trolley

Finished Wednesday up by having an unexpected, uncharacteristic and very comprehensive seizure in the ketchup section of a local supermarket, from where I had to be removed by ambulance. (Yes I know, it DOES serve me right for shopping there, doesn't it?)

It was sctually very lucky timing, as half an hour previously I had been in Coe's menswear section organising a suit for my son's prom. I think he would not have forgiven me if I had disported myself there in such a fashion.

As it is, I was fortunate
- to be in the company of my nearest and dearest -who is tremendously good with seizures,
- among the ketchups - who don't give a damn,
- and in the UK where the NHS is still (just about) working
and we all came off ok apart from the poor first-aider's fleecy which apparently I bled all over. Sorry.

This is the view from the a&e trolley, when I came round. Note the benignant eye belonging to the Best Beloved who is clearly keeping that eye firmly on me.

So first a general apology for being a bloody nuisance (and I use that adjective advisedly).

Secondly, a big hurrah for super paramours and the fantastic NHS. How would one ever manage without them?

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