From Dawn to...

By DawnCHS

Oh, what a circus!

Penrith is a nightmare at the moment if you are in a motorised vehicle of any kind. Really, just stay away, you will end up frustrated and angry at the idiocy of some road users who are convinced that rules are for others to follow and diversions that are through other diversions and roadworks, and queues of traffic that are totally alien to our little town.

I am fully aware that the supermarket companies need to dig up the roads and disrupt our lives so that they can begin the process of fleecing our money off us enriching our lives with their upmarket goods and shutting our small, independent shops giving us brilliant bargains, but this goes on and on and on and on and on and on and on...

See Jane's blip for details on an event she is organising against all the disruptions.

I'm starting to get the hang of this tonemapping business - even without bracketing! I managed to use the same picture copied twice with different exposure settings to do yesterdays daisy, and again today! I think I may be obsessing about skies at the moment though - I need a sunny day to get my eye on something else!

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