world outside your window

By thewanderlust

Grandpa's camera

Today I spent alot of time driving and in meetings but then hallelujah.. 5pm came and the weekend arrived.

This evening the Red Arrows flew over my flat (but i was driving away and didn't have my camera); I saw a guy cycling along with a surfboard behind on a trailer (but I didn't have my camera) and then we had an absolutely beautiful sunset surf - red skies and seals swimming around us. Magical! And fun to share the waves with my boyfriend and my bro visiting from London. But, I didn't have my camera to capture this beautiful moment.

So, it's now late and I want to maintain my daily blips so here's a pic of my Grandpa's lovely Leika camera. We've been clearing out my Grandma's house sadly and it's been so lovely to come across old photo albums full of shots Grandpa took with this camera. He used to have a dark room in the house and did all the developing himself too. He was a talented photographer. Funny to think how times have changed in photography so enormously, and my goodness cameras are lighter these days!

Have a super weekend one and all. Night night.

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