Through The Autism Lens


Show & Tell

Today was Show & Tell at school as it is every Friday. I chose to take Mario with me today. Mom bought him for me last year when her and Nana went to Blackpool for the weekend alone. I love playing Mario games on my DS and Wii and I love my Mario teddy too. He sleeps with me every night.

That is what I would have told my class and teacher's if I had been allowed to do Show & Tell today. But I wasn't. I missed my play times and spent most of the day in my 'Time Out' place because I haven't been a very good boy.

I was okay in Assembley. I played my drums, and sang all the songs, as well as saying all my prayers. But then I wanted a dip in the Treasure Chest and wasn't allowed, so I had a tantrum. I started throwing myself around and refused to come out, so I had to be escorted out by some of the teachers. My day just got worse from then. I tried to hit and bite Mrs J. I wouldn't listen to Mrs R and I kept disrupting the class, so had to be sent out. Mrs W came and had a talk to me which calmed me down a little bit, but not much.

Mrs J told Mom when she picked me up that today has been one of my worst days ever and this made Mommy sad. She also said that if it wasn't for Mrs W having a talk to me and calming me down that I may have been excluded for a few days. Mom asked me why I hadn't been good and I told her I don't know. I am not very good at explaining how I feel and I really don't know what made me act that way.

Mom is taking me to see my Paediatrcian on the 5th July and says that she is going to ask them to test me for something called ADHD as my recent behaviour is very much like that of it. Mom has dealt with ADHD before and says besides my Autism, I have ALL the 'typical' signs. I hope someone can make sense of my behaviour because I certainly can't and neither can Mom which is making life very difficult at the minute :(

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