Through The Autism Lens


Here we go AGAIN!

We are now down to 9 Fish from 26 and Mom is less than amused. Last night her and Nana spent hours cleaning the Tank out thoroughly with special Tank cleaning stuff from the Fish Shop to make sure no traces of White Spot where left on the stuff they have put back in. This time around is quite different to last time as Mom said she was very paranoid about using all the same stuff, so she bought some different orniments, but kept the Egyptian Jug she already had. Also this time we are going Tropical, which is good because it means more brightly coloured fishies and lots of different makes rather than just different coloured Gold Fish!

Mom and Nana spent ages doing the Tank last night and Mom even missed Doctor Who because of it. This wasn't an easy decision for Mom to make as she is a HUGE Doctor Who fan and even though she has seen these episodes a thousand times before, she NEVER misses it. Also when it's on, nobody else exists, not even me or Dad! She blocks everyone and everything out and focuses on nothing but the TV! So for her to miss it last night, especially with it being the one with the Weeping Angels in (her ALL TIME favourite ones) shows how dedicated she is to making sure these new Fish have the best start they can have. I just hope the new Fish realise just how much of a sacrifice she made for them and don't die on her like all the others did!!

*The old Fish are in a seperate Tank by themselves, they can't go back into this one because they will make our new Fish (when we get them) poorly too*

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