No Static

By nostatic

Holiday Exploring

It's the start of our first family holiday, off to a wee cottage in the Perthshire hills. We left Edinburgh in the pouring rain, stopped at a fairly dry Perth for some lunch with a couple of friends and then headed off to Aberfeldy, back in the pouring rain, drove miles past Aberfeldy to our cottage and unpacked the car, still in the rain.

The cottage is lovely, but in the middle of nowhere. No mobile phone signal, hurray and the internet is broken, boo. The welcome booklet tells us we're in Fortingall - birthplace of Pontious Pilate (yes that one) and home to the oldest tree in the UK (possibly Europe and maybe even the world).

This is Arlo with a bit of mischief in his eyes, he loves exploring new places and there is a lot to explore in the cottage. The cupboards in the lounge seem to be the current favourite.

Tune of the day came onto Radio 2 on the drive up and caught me by suprise in amongst the MOR rubbish.

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