
By FauxPunk

Stupid Guitar Still Only Knows 3 Chords

I decided it was time to put in a bit of effort again, as my recent blips have been lazy at best, down-right crap at anything else!

Was fairly scorchio today, eh? Mathew was working (he never normally does Sundays) so I printed off loads of photos :-D Also tidied up a bit, but didn't get through it all before he got home.

I hadn't fully appreciated just how nice it was outside, til Mathew text me saying we had to go out. I didn't disagree, and suggested a bike ride since it's rained more or less constantly since we got the bikes (or at least on the days we could viably have used them.) I don't think it's what he had in mind, but he was willing enough. We went a fair-length cycle along the cliff path to Lavernock, then down to Cosmeston. We intended to cycle around the lake, but somehow found ourselves on a different path that took us up past Old Cogan Farm, then into Cogan and back into Penarth from the other side than the one we left. Nice and Circular :-D

After that a huge plate of mild chilli with tonnes of potato wedges (and a few sweet potato ones too). I normally like my chilli with more kick to it, but I think this was just right for the weather. I had a huge 2nd helping too :-D

After that, decided to play with the lights. I knew I wanted the suit troursers/white trainers combo. And the ladders. Not sure that the football shirt works mind. After that set up, I just wanted to see what I could do with various props. The guitar won. You've almost seen it before. It hasn't learned any new chords yet.

This was a very close contender - I like the almost forlorn/wistful expression on my face... but guitars always win.

In separate news, although it's been a week, I can't quite come to terms with the death of Clarence Clemons, Bruce Springsteen's E Street Band saxophonist. It's almost like he's haunting me. I think the reason he won't leave me alone is that he's the saxophonist on Lady Gaga's Edge of Glory which is still getting tonnes of airplay at the moment. Don't get me wrong, I'm OK... I've not gone to pieces over the death of a celebrity I've never even met. I just think it's sad. But I still had a smile on my face listening to Jungleland today :)

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