With the left n the Right

By sriperinkulam

Lets do it, Just do it!

Its been almost a year that i've had a blip account but I've never really posted anything here. This year as I just start my second year of teaching I've decided to record every single day.

Today was one of those exciting days when I got punished by my kids. Starting this year I'd taken a buy-in from them that we'd publish one news letter every week. I had all the articles setup yesterday and had all the requisite photocopies made. Just as I entered the classroom, I realised I'd totally forgotten to get the newsletters to school. Even before they pounced on me, I jumped in and mentioned how sorry I was to forget getting the sheets and asked for a punishment. The naughtiest brat - Sarfaraz in all mighty glory asks me to stand facing the wall for one minute. As I do this there are mixed emotions in the classroom. Sanskruti literally starts crying :).

Rest of the day went as planned. Today I decided to stay back a bit more after school and observe the new set of fellows teaching during their 'Institute classes'. It was fun to see my kids literally 'manhandling' the 'new' teachers but at the same time raised several concerns as to how they'd behave when I walk out of this fellowship a year from now. Guess only time would tell....

The kid in the pic here is Sarvar Ali - a hindi medium kid who's shown tremendous progress over the last one year. The chant/poem that he's pointing to is one of my attempts to introduce a class chant!

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