michigan man

By outdoorguy

The Triumphant Return

It has been nearly 2 weeks since my kayak accident. I reported it on my blip on Tuesday, June 14. It was time to re-enter the water, and I hope that is not in a literal sense. I have'nt replaced my lost camera. E-bay frightens me in more ways than one. I was "armed" with my dads old Kodak. 5 mega-pixels, and a 10x zoom.

I put in at the boat launch. 2 grandpas and their grandsons were fishing off the dock. (A good sign?) My balance getting into the boat was shaky. "Is it just nerves, or is my confidence wavering?" Perhaps I should fish off the dock with the other grandpas instead of paddling away?? "NAHHHH!" I set off...bound for the fateful spot.

I needed to face the music. I needed to meet the enemy head on. I needed to exorcise my demons. I needed to "put up or shut up." It felt like the gunfight at the OK Corral. It felt like Ali vs. Frazier. It felt like the Roadrunner vs. Wily E. Coyote. It felt like Michigan vs. Ohio State. "OK...ENOUGH WITH THE NEEDS AND FELTS...LETS GET ON WITH IT!!!"

After fighting the wind across the main part of the lake...I entered the small cove where I dumped. It was eerily still...just like the day I rolled over. I slowly approached the site where it happened. A mother red-winged blackbird, and her juvenile son warned me to keep my distance. (A bad sign?) I yelled at the baby..."STOP ACTING SO JUVENILE!!! LEAVE ME ALONE!!" Two bullfrogs were "singing" a sad sad song. I swear one was singing bass, and the other was singing tenor.

I wanted REVENGE!!! I wanted to SAVE FACE!!! I don't know how long water lilies last...but, I picked out one that I thought was the culprit...took the end of my paddle...and SLASHED OFF THE TOP OF THE FLOWER!!! "THERE...YOU LOVELY WHITE FLOWER WITH THE YELLOW CENTER...NOW YOU"RE ALL WET, TOO!!!"

That last part never happened...but, it felt strangely good to write. I calmly opened my dry bag, and took out the old Kodak. I had a few words with Salma Kayak..."Let's don't lean one way or the other. Steady as she goes...heh, Salma?" I took maybe 50 shots, and carefully placed the camera back in the bag. I paddled back to my car...mission accomplished.

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