Through The Autism Lens


Day Off

I had to have the day off school today because I couldn't put my arm down or wear a t-shirt. My Eczema flarred up during the night and was really bad this morning. Under my arm was red raw and very swallen. I was also running a slight temperature too. Mom rang school to let them know, then rang the Doctor's. She managed to get me an appointment at 4.40pm and he gave her some cream to use on it and told her it was definately Eczema but also an allergic reaction to something.

Reaction to what? We have no idea at all. Nothing has changed at all. My clothes are all the same, no new ones lately. Soap Powder is the same all the time because I am VERY sensitive. The only thing we can think of is the warm weather and sunshine we have had for the past 3 days on the run. It flarred up last week at bedtime after a warm day too, so it seems to fit in well with the warmth.

It's not fair though. I can't go out 90% of the time because all it ever seems to do is rain or it's too cold. Then when we have a decent day I'm at school, and when the weather is as warm as it has been these past few days I still can't go out, because it's just too warm for me. The Trampoline has been a god-send though as it's enabled me to play out in the warmth and stay cool at the same time through the bouncing, but I have to be very careful and have a rest every 5mins or so or I get breathless and start wheezing. It was that warm on Sunday when we got it, after 10mins on it Mom had to drag me off because I almost passed out!

I was a brave boy tonight and let Mom put the cream on my sore. I hope it works fast and clears it up by tomorrow. I love staying at home, but I miss being at school, as I really DON'T like break in my routines. It confuses me and makes me frustrated. I also miss my friends too.

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