Man, Mountain or Fish

By StevieFish

I was lost

Now I'm found!

Yesterday, after my first day back at work (which was ok) I went for a cycle with a friend whom I have only recently got back in touch with after a very long time. It's a long story and nor one for here but suffice to say I'm glad to be back in touch.

Anyway, we went for a good bimble about and upon getting back to my house I discovered the my phone was missing. In a panic I retraced my route, from newhaven to crammond where I'd used it last. A distance of about five miles. No sign at all, and i'd resigned myself to it being gone for good. I called and cancelled the sim, got the phone blocked too and then hunted out my old handset and a pay as you go sim so that I would have a way for SJ to get in touch.

Today I was at the dentist and that was an adventure in itself, if anyone has a good recommendation for a dentist in Edinburgh then please tell me.

When I got into work someone asked if I'd contacted the police to see if someone had handed it in. Convinced it was a lost cause I said no but I'd try. So I did.

Some kind soul handed it in this morning and this afternoon I was reunited with my phone! What are the odds of that? I now have to get it all unblocked. Doh!

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