Man, Mountain or Fish

By StevieFish

Oh no he didn't

Went for a long cycle with an old friend I'd lost touch with for far too long. The cycle was great (as was the company). Elderflowers were picked and conversations had. We wound up in Cramond where this sign was telling the story of a roman lion statue that was found in the water. Except it isn't accurate as a friend of both of ours, lets call him Tom, actually pointed it out to the ferry man! He got nothing for it - of course - not even a nod. Hey ho, the fickle world of antiquities and ferrymen. When I got back home I found my phone was missing. I retraced my steps on the bike (very quickly) but to no avail. Cue phoning and cancelling stuff, changing passwords, kak end to an otherwise great day...

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