Trixie's Adventures

By TrixieTheCollie

A trip to the vets

I've been to the vets today and do you know what? ................... the vet forgot to give me any treats! I always get treats when I go for my annual check-up so I thought I'd get some today. I am sooooo disappointed.

I had to go to the vets because I've got a rash on my tummy which doesn't seem to be going away. Ann thought it was probably a grass rash as I've been in the fields lots recently but it's a lot worse than the rashes I've had in previous years. The vet has given me some tablets to help get rid of the inflamation.

I've also got a hard lump of dry skin on my right elbow which Ann was worried about. The vet said I'd probably got that from lying on a hard surface, it has become slightly infected, so he's given me antibiotics for that.

Just before we went to the vets Ann found a tick on me. It was a big fat horrible one. The vet took it out and has sold Ann a 'tick twister' just in case I get any more. However most ticks live in 'sheep territory' so I'm pretty sure I picked that up while we were away 'cos there aren't any sheep here.

Lastly Ann mentioned that I had 'gunge' coming out of one of my eyes. (I know that Lily the Lab has the same problem). and the vet said if I was walking through fields where the grass was at the height of my eyes, that could have caused the problem. Ann has been bathing my eye with cotton wool and warm water and the vet said that was the correct thing to do.

My trip to the vet cost Ann £45 today. Just as well she loves me.

........................... She says I'm 'priceless' ........................... but she's still going to check my insurance to see if I'm covered for any of this????!!

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