wander, stumble, wonder

By imo_weg

King of the World

It's a tough life being a cat. First there's the matter of breakfast. it just appears out of nowhere. The smart cats can make the connection between that container and the food bowl, and some can even physically connect the two, pushing the bowl across the floor to the container. But even when that's too much effort, the food still just appears.

Then there's the daily dutes - keeping the family safe from dangerous butterflies, making sure they don't forget where the wool and tissues are kept (and putting them in a more obvious place, just to make sure). A cat is responsible for ensuring all the seats are insulated with an extra layer of fur, and testing the comfort of each and every seat. If that's not going beyond the call of duty, I'm not sure what is.

But all these tasks grant the humble cat a position above all others. His hard work never ceases, even at night he must keep the family warm and ergonomically positioned in their beds. He never complains, but takes whatever may come. Whether the family is smoothing their hands on his fur, or testing string strength, the cat is willing to help.

And so he enjoys these little moments in the sun. They're an opportunity to entertain his family, to balance precariously on a railing. The family must enjoy it, they always gasp with every wobble, and call his name out loud and clear. And in these moments, the cat knows that he really is the king of the world.

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