Diana_Field Photography

By dianafieldphoto

182 / 365 - I wonder if I can still do pirouettes?

Half way to 365!

Today I am officially no longer a student! Had my form signed and handed it in, woo! It is sad though, I liked going back and college was basically my life, my 2nd home and everyone there was like a 2nd family altogether! :( I'm going back next week to watch a showing of my last MTC show with everyone which should be fun!

Quickly went to the gym on the way home for 30 mins, noticed one of the studio's was free and had a thought about practicing some ballet as it has been soooo long! I can kinda remember stuff... haha, on the other hand I was doing the splits and can now do them on my non flexible leg... which is apparently flexible now YEY!

This was taken on my phone... it's been a while since I've done any pics in a studio... sorry about the crap exposure quality!! I tried to savour as much as I could on photoshop.

Now home to try and get some editing done before a big shoot tomorrow afternoon!

So busy, and SO shattered!

Oh my god it's July! Where is this time going? Half way through this 365!

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