Stephanie's Shots

By stephanie

Bergen - Fjord tour

Busy day; first I switched hotels for one that's cheaper, then I walked to the aquarium. It was actually smaller than I had expected, so I took me only about an hour and a half. Then I walked back to the tourist info and bought myself a ticket for the afternoon Fjord tour with the White Lady.

Given that I had time left and I could go to the art museums for free with my Bergen card, I then visited the three art museums. They had some pretty paintings, I especially like paintings that show how people used to live/landscapes with people. Not a big fan of the modern artworks.

At 15.30 I went on the Fjord boat tour, which took 4 hours. Perhaps because I go to sea more often now, I found it a bit boring.. but there were some pretty sights. Above is one of them.

Then back to the hotel, ask after restaurants, dinner at the Zupperia (good food, service could be better), and now I am falling over from sleep again, so getting ready for bed :)

levels 14-1.0-248, curves, contrast+3

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