Lali's World

By Lali

Summer in Edinburgh!

Today the sun was shining, the weather was warm and I was off work as well! Happy days!

I had a bit of a lazy morning and then I went to the gym. After leaving the gym I went for a cycle around the Meadows in Edinburgh to enjoy the sun a little bit. The atmosphere was amazing, really relaxed! Lots of people sitting in the grass having barbecues, drinks and enjoying the sun. In Edinburgh the sun doesn't shine very often, so when it does people do appreciate it a lot more. Everybody just goes out!

The only drawback to this is that, wanting to make the most of the sun, people stay outside for too long and get sunburnt. In countries where the sun is pretty much taken for granted, people are used to enjoying the sun in small doses instead, and this doesn't happen so often, unless you are a tourist on holiday there just for a few days. Another thing that happens very often is that with the sun you get that holiday feeling that makes you drink a bit more as well. So tomorrow, in Edinburgh, there will be lots of people with red faces and a bad hangover! Hahahaha!

Making a cake this evening and then joining some friends for a few drinks later on.

Thanks very much for you comments on my theme. I'm glad you enjoyed it! I hope you're all having a great sunny weekend! :)

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