Sunny spot

Without any planning this weekend has been a taste of what life will hopefully be like once my retirement becomes official. Yesterday I decided against getting the train into Leeds and, instead, mowed the grass which resulted in several very enjoyable conversations with passing neighbours. Then a friend called to see if I wanted to visit a couple of open gardens of neighbours two minutes away. They were raising money for a local hospice. Needless to say we stayed for lunch at one and lingered to chat to more old friends at the other. Then there was just enough time to get ready for the Pension Party (see yesterday's blip).

Today I slept late, got out the bike and cycled over to pal Helen's house for lunch. I wanted to experiment with taking her portrait but I tried to stage it too much and the finished shots lost her naturalness and lovely eyes, so back to the drawing board with those. Instead I blipped her bench in the sun in her garden, and I guess that is another reminder of how much I am going to enjoy my retirement!

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