
Apparently the date 28th of June is marked in some peoples calendar as a notable one in mathematics. It is in the same vein as March 14th is as it's noted similarity to the value of Pi. 3.14.

I just found out that there is an alternate to Pi. Pi being the ratio of a circle's diameter to it's circumference. Apparently there are occurrences of an internet argument for it's alternate Tau. The Tau constant is the ratio of a circle's radius to it's circumference. Essentially the same thing but apparently it starts arguments like the Mac/PC or Nikon/Canon shenanigans but with mathematicians. So whereas Pi is 3.14, Tau starts 6.28. 2 x Pi. June 28th, 6.28.


Notes on the Picture...
This was actually a lot funnier than I've captured here. They are actually chatting through the fence in an almost prisoner visitor situation without the incarceration. Not got a clue what they were talking about but they were like this for ages.

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