hello again

By admirer


Piet Hein surprised me very early in the morning. I was just awake and not long after that we set out for the beach. How wonderful to be able to rise early, cycle to the sea and walk in the solitude, together now.
Only after an hour the joggers came (not many today) and more northern many women with many dogs appeared. Love to see all the joys they radiate, with their balls, swims in the sea.
After turning there came a crowd of teenagers with surf-boards running towards the sea. It is holiday and the surf-lessons start for them, I suppose.

The warning along the sea
Dangerous currents
The little bird stays out of the water

This is my first haiku (ever)

And the proverb is of course on sport:
Sport is sweetest when there be no spectators.

Says who? I wonder

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