A chef's day...

By chef

Alpine Strawberry

I have these growing in my garden. I bought a plant about 10 years ago and every year I take the biggest one for seed and they are a nice decent size now.

I went for the Chef Lecturer job interview today and apparently they had a large amount of applications. They invited 4 people for the actual interviews and after a whole day of being grilled by the principal, his 2 deputies, catering lecturer, head of hospitality, 2 students and 2 other people of which I can't remember their function. And having to teach a class how to poach an egg and serve it on toast I GOT THE JOB!!!!!

So I am now a chef lecturer and hopefully this is the first step of becoming a qualified teacher in the future. The job is only 1 day a week so it fits in with my job and after a year I will see how I like it.

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