Buzz off

Spent this morning searching the Internet finding out how to get rid of honeybees. Managed to contact someone from the Scottish Beekeepers Association who ironically was allergic to the honeybee sting at the moment so couldn?t come out himself.

He recommended someone else who lives and works nearby. Quick Google search, email fired off, phone call exchanged, and arrangements were made to come past this evening to take them away.

Gavin is a really nice guy, full of knowledge about honeybees which he was happy to share with me, the neighbors and their kids. I even got to put on the white suit & mesh hat so I could get up close and take some shots. Blip in the bag!

I thought there would be some special equipment and was surprised when the special tool turned out to be an empty box and piece of cardboard. Gavin scraped a massive amount of bees into the box, then turned it over and let the rest fly around and eventually crawl back inside. After an hour almost all of them were in the box.

Apparently swarms are like busses, none for ages then two come along at once. Gavin had to shoot off to take care of another swarm in Dundee before returning to collect these. His first call outs this year, on his birthday of all days.

Top man!


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