campervan man

By campervan

He ain't nothing but Le Hound Dog

Woke up today with it raining but still went out with the dogs to the forest. Great choice because by the time we got there the sun was shining. Everything looked clean and fresh, and very wet and very very muddy.

We lost Harry at one point; he went like an arrow into the undergrowth and kept on going. His brain is in his nose sometimes. We heard him barking sometime later but from quite a way away. I went searching for him and the first thing I saw were about a dozen deer moving across in front of me, going away from the barking. They weren?t panicked, until they say me and then they ran. Unfortunately I was in lost dog mode, not Blip mode so, no pictures. Harry wandered back a few minutes later and you could tell his thoughts from the look on his face ? ?hey I?ve just seen a group of funny looking dogs who did not want to play?. He stayed on his lead for the rest of the walk as he was still finding interesting scents. Problem with early morning walks; all the night smells are still very fresh.

Rest of the walk OK except I managed to slip over going downhill and landed on my back with quite a thump. Must have looked bad as W1 did not laugh. As low level sky diving goes it was not as impressive asMr EG but I am still aching a bit now.

Was disappointed with the morning pictures so I got Harry to do a photo session tonight. As I have not bathed him after this morning he is a bit scruffy hence the close-up.

Done both dogs now, will move onto the fish soon

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