campervan man

By campervan


Today has been a great blipping day. It snowed loads. I have pictures of the snow falling, the snow lying, trees with snow on them, snowmen, and dogs with snowballs all over their fur, kids with snow balls, cars covered in snow and the garden covered in snow.

But I had a problem ? is Blip a photo site with words added or is it a diary blog with pictures. If you visit by previous blips you know I?m not here for the words but today is different. Read the email..................................


Not only am I going but the most significant singer songwriter ever ever is going to be there. I last saw him 40 years ago at the Isle of Wight festival; I'm rather pleased we are both still around. I went to Glastonbury with D2 in 2000? with David Bowie. He was great, this guy will be better.D2 and Kelly are coming this time so they are in for a musical education.

Go on have a mini festival now, click on the links, close your eyes and sink into this mans voice. You will feel much better afterwards

HallelujahSecret Life
Tower of SongClosing Time

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