Views of my world

By rosamund


I first learned to crochet on the island of Eigg back in 2007 but never really got the hang of it. I went to a workshop at onceasheep a few weeks back to refine my skills and decided that I would do a spot of crochet for my holiday project. It's the first time I've ever used a crochet pattern but it seems to be coming along quite well.

As for the 100th blip I, like so many others have said before me, can't quite believe I have done this everyday for 100 days.

I've managed most blips from my iphone and hope one day to have a decent camera. The act of taking photographs certainly makes you want to achieve the best quality you can and I have enjoyed learning what little I can do to make my iphone work harder for me.

I love seeing snippits of other folks lives and I appreciate every commment and subscription I get. I'm glad that I have been able to share the world of blip with many of my friends who all have the blip bug too.

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