Whimsical Whittlesey Windmills

Working in Whittlesey today. I haven't been there for a while so it was good to catch up with the practice and some of my patients.

These windmills are HUGE. They dominate an otherwise flat landscape. I've had this idea for an image for a while but I've been waiting for a blue sky and a bright morning.

One thing of note about Whittlesey: THE DRIVERS ARE SOOOOOOOO AGGRESSIVE. I've noticed this every time I drive there. I rarely hear a horn-blast in Northampton, or round the village lanes where I live but in Whittlesey...sheesh! BEEEEEEP BEEEEEEEP...all the time in the high street. I can hear them from my consulting room. This morning I had a blue-van driver AND a red-van driver practically crawling up my exhaust pipe. I glanced in the rear-view mirror. The man in the blue van gave me a 'helpful' hand signal Four fingers then a zero. I glanced at my speedo. I was doing just a nudge over 40 in a 40 zone. I carried on. BEEEEEEEEEEEEP!!!!! More hand signals...this time less polite. I glanced at my speedo...nope...I was definitely doing 40...in a 40 zone. Then he swerved round me and slammed on his brakes, then sped off, at about 60, through the 30 zone we'd just entered, nearly wiping out a woman and two children on bikes. 'Prat' I thought then suddenly Mr. Red Van driver was doing the same. BEEEEEEEEP! then the swerve manoeuvre, followed by the speed-off. Bizarre. Perhaps they're all ultra-religious...they certainly seem to be in a heck of a hurry to meet God!

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