Occasionally Focused

By tsuken

Invisible Within the Circumference

"He is no crescent, and his horns are invisible within the circumference."

- Theseus, in A Midsummer Night's Dream, by William Shakespeare

The wind here has been wild. Two trees fell on trains O_o Something like 30,000 homes lost power in the Blue Mountains and rural bits of NSW. We were fortunate enough to get power back after about 4 hours, but some remained blacked out for over 24 hours. I'm not 100% sure that all are back on even now. Repair crews have been unable to reach the damaged areas because of fallen trees.

We are specks of dust. We really are quite insignificant, despite our fancy-pants technology, and attempts to subjugate nature.

If this were blipmovie, I could have posted the wind (as it were), but I was unable to get a still shot that conveyed the movement. While outside and trying to do so, however, I took this photo of a gum tree (which really was whipping around something impressive) and the crescent Moon. I liked that, and the clouds with the bare trees below.

Since there is (should be) a large version of the photo, you should be able to see the Moon, but spotting it still might warrant a (virtual) chocolate fish. ;-)

Lumix g10, posted as taken with blipfoto iPhone app.

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