Going boating...hoping for whales

There is nothing - absolutely nothing - half so much worth doing as simply messing about in boats.
-Kenneth Graham

We're stepping back in time today and going out on a fully restored, 118 foot schooner built in 1923 to dredge oysters. We'll be sailing off of Eastport, Maine on a whale watch cruise. I hopefully will change this photograph if we see something exciting. We went last September with our visiting friends. It was a birthday present for our B, unfortunately her last. She loved the day and it remains a beautiful memory for us all.

The old photographs beneath Raspberry in the glass case are of my Great Grandparents, Linnie & Will. This was their house before it was ours.

Check back later if you can.

Lovely sail, but only fleeting sightings of a few Minke whales and seals. I'll link some nautical shots later, after dinner. We had great fun anyway. Raspberry's photo will stay put.

Eastport Wale Watches

One very blurry Minke Whale

With my nephew

Seabirds rarely found near shore

For the Record,
This day came in sunny and warm, 75 degrees at 10 AM, 69% humidity, barometer, rising.

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